Thursday, August 21, 2014

A Willing Heart

A Willing Heart

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If I could choose
A grace or gift
It wouldn't be a clever wit, 
An evoking art
Or handsomeness,
But a willing heart...
To always find the finish
From the start.

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Evening Time

Evening Time

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A billion years we have come
To embrace only a day,
And already it is evening time--
The twilight's seductive passing
From moment into mystery.

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Thursday, August 14, 2014

Another Year

Another Year

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The end of another year...
The moments pass,
Our lives change
With the lessons of time. 
Some dreams end,
Others we did not find.

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The Emptiness

The Emptiness

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The emptiness beckons me,
The desolation of untrod wilderness.
I want to follow
Unaware of the distance I must go
To find the edges
That bound'ry me.

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Monday, July 14, 2014

The World Without

The World Without

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To the world without
I was always discontent,
In my ever shifting bent.
But in me a spirit yearned,
A seeking to return,
To find again
The world of wonder
It remembered of,
To search the secret 'bodes
Where mysteries hide;
To somehow circumvent the mind
Whose habits bind,
The world of Man
Whose fears debilitate and blind.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sunday Fishermen

Sunday Fishermen

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Sunday fishermen
Casting thoughts to sea,
Adrift in silent reverie,
Hoping the morrow affords
Another dream fill'd sea.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

The Green Lane

The Green Lane

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What fears did they know
Who walked this lane of green
Those far-off years ago?
What passing joys interposed
The pains that hardship surely posed?
What scant possessions
Did they love that robbers stole
Along this lane of green
That I now so wondering stroll?

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