Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Could There Be?

Could There Be?

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Could there be another me,
A living presence in another world
Just like me,
A reflection universe with replicas
Of what is here?

I would not escape my wondering
For all the gods declared,
No solaces divine can compare
To the freedom of my mind.

For it wasn't with the wheel formed
Or fire made,
Nor when grunts became a knowing sound
That Man first touched the sky,
But when his searching mind
First wondered why...

I want no easy answers,
Only mysteries placed before my eye,
That I may ever wonder why.

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Tuesday, September 24, 2013



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What a world this is!
Rainbows and waterfalls,
Songbirds and butterflies...
And a little girl's eyes.

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Monday, September 23, 2013

The Master

The Master

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I would be master
Of my fate,
But I find no helm to till,
No rudder, no mast,
No mooring line to cast.

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A Secret Sculptor

A Secret Sculptor

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A secret sculptor
Dwells within the sea
Far beyond the foaming waves,
Who nightly fashions
Finely forms of stone and wood,
Salvaged from their salty graves
To place upon the sea washed sand...
A gift for mourning strollers by the sea

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A Passer's Footsteps

A Passer's Footsteps

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 Leave a modest mark upon the stone
That Time will on its own erase,
For what you mark
Upon the name of man
Is but a passer's footsteps
Made upon a changing sand.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

A Path Of Sand

A Path Of Sand

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The restless sea sends its claws
Against the bounding land,
Forging a battlefield
Deep in grains of fallen sand.
A billion years
The war has raged
To pave a path of sand for me
Between the silent stone and surging sea ...
Where I will soon forever be.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Cosmic Gifts

Cosmic Gifts

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I will be the one you see
Distant down
The sea swept shore
Alone amid the wonders there;
The cosmic gifts
The stars have shed
On their burning journeys
Down the inexplicable pathway
  Of Time. 

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