Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Rounded Stones

The Rounded Stones 

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 They call them "Erratics"
As if their journeys were chosen,
Some aimless wanderlust
Within the stone;
The great rounded rocks
Rolled for a thousand years
By giant walls of looming ice,
To be left where they lay
As the frozen rivers thawed,
Dropped in a distant place
Far from their molten cradles...
A reminder that beginnings
Do not foretell our endings. 

                                                              Click to enlarge

Friday, March 8, 2013

The Ropes Course

The Ropes Course

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I was carried so high
That day we climbed
The sun-filled trees
And saw beyond the filtered light,
Ourselves in golden flight,
Our wings afloat a gentle breeze,
Our Spirits freed of binding fear,
Our courage crested
By the will to be.

There is something special now
Among we who gathered there,
That place we found
To reach beyond our former ground,
To leave behind the we we were
Before we gathered there.

It Is Not Love That Ends

It Is Not Love That Ends

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  It is not Love that ends
When togetherness parts,
Nor caring that angers rend,
Nor dying hearts that endings mark.
For the melody we deeply knew
Plays still upon the strings
Of loving hearts.
And when the moments
That memory keeps
Come passing through our thoughts,
We may live again a worldly love,
Though once before
It was found and lost.

My Wish For You

My Wish For You

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May you walk by heavenly streams
And be washed in rainbow mists;
May your heart be filled
With all that wondrous seems;
And may loving's light shine golden beams
Through all the days of your living,
And the sounds of joy
Be the music of your dreams.

What Matters Most

What Matters Most

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I cannot by mind alone
Appraise the great unknown.
Reason crawls astutely
But cannot leap the trails end;
Where mind forsakes the host
Begins what matters most.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The River In Me

The River In Me

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The river in me
Has not one current--
Eddies and swirls
Distract the deeper flow.
Error'd thoughts
Erode the course,
Silting the shallow shoals.
Fickle beliefs
Deflect and waver,
Jamming the narrow bends.

But there persists
The seaward surge,
The stream of yearnings
Flowing full with loving dreams,
Waters healing the hurts of heart,
Greening the Spirit's eternal place;
Searching to find the me
Who calls for me.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Gift

A Gift

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Upon the journey'd path of love
We celebrate our heart's dear friends
And comely mates.
To reach our Spirit's shore,
And each the other
A gift of loving give,
Is the joy each moment waits.