Wednesday, January 22, 2014

I Remember

I Remember

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I remember being twenty one,
Broke, no job to find.
I remember the fear and shame,
The invisible tomorrows,
The panic that raced my heart 
Through sleepless nights
While I hid in my darkness
Afraid for the sun to rise,
Afraid for the dawning light
To reveal my fading life.

Things went well enough
After that time...
The world turned
And lurched me to a better place.
But I remember,
I remember too much
To shame a jobless man--
To blame the human heart
And not the rule of circumstance...
God how this place
Can hurt its people.


Friday, January 3, 2014



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Over the years
I have attended occasions,
Not really lonely or sad
But looking to be touched
By something,
Something to give meaning to living
Beyond breath and consumption,
Beyond the human immersion;
A song of Truth
With a melody to lift my soul
Among the eternal motions;
To see my moments in the cosmic mirror,
Not Man's.