Sunday, March 31, 2013



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It wasn't that I knew
Where to go,
Only where not to be;
Not who I was,
Only who I wasn't.

So when I wonder
Who I am
Or where I'm going...
I'm just a wanderer
Who waits for time to tell.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hidden Harbors

Hidden Harbors

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Is it ourselves we find
As we sail the man made sea,
Some self that waits
Beyond the horizon clouds,
A self ordained by man's decree?
Or is it ourselves we leave
As we till the worldly helm,
A self whose elements
The primal tides of boundless time
Have pooled to merge in me?
Do we find our port of home
As we search the man made sea,
Or only hidden harbors
Merely sheltered
From the man made storm?

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013



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There are times when
I must head for some wilderness--
Desert, mountain, ocean shore.
The Man made disappoints...
Except for the scientists
Who teach us of
Our heaven here.
I'll take the mountain's wildflower,
The lonely gull above the ocean wave,
A swirl of sand atop the desert dune;
These things are heaven here,
And I must leave them all too soon.

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As friends to friends
May our journey never end,
But follow our loving flow
To another gather'd place again;
'Till each and each
We cross the river home,
And smiling back
A final loving glance,
We turn, and venture on alone.

Friday, March 22, 2013

To Grandmas

To Grandmas

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The years of your life
Are like threads of fine lace,
A beauty of days woven upon days.
And around your gentle face
Where years of giving
Have lines of kindness traced,
I see a ring of flowers
To garland your grace.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013



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From where came this disappointment
At the circumstances that I found?
Why these expectations planted
In my fetal brain
Of what this living ought to mean,
This paradigm of rightness before I even came?
Why am I not a clay
Molded for compliance to what is here,
Why not formed by surroundings
To never question how the craft is steered?
Why not travel the road already paved?
Why instead a resistance forged
To dispute the readymade,
And dream these dreams of difference
That never wish to fade?

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Was It Courage?

Was It Courage?

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We have come from fear,
From dark forests with dangers ever near.
We ventured upon the open plain,
Each step a trembling suspicious stride.
Was it courage that brought us from the foliage,
Or had the plains become a lesser fear?


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A City On A Cloud

A City On A Cloud

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As I climbed atop
A coastal ridge
A city came before my sight,
Yet almost veiled from my view
By a mist of varied hues.
It looked almost a city on a cloud,
Or even more, an island
Floating on a silver bay.
It seemed a doorway
Crafted by a master's hand,
An open gate to a golden land.


Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Rounded Stones

The Rounded Stones 

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 They call them "Erratics"
As if their journeys were chosen,
Some aimless wanderlust
Within the stone;
The great rounded rocks
Rolled for a thousand years
By giant walls of looming ice,
To be left where they lay
As the frozen rivers thawed,
Dropped in a distant place
Far from their molten cradles...
A reminder that beginnings
Do not foretell our endings. 

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Friday, March 8, 2013

The Ropes Course

The Ropes Course

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I was carried so high
That day we climbed
The sun-filled trees
And saw beyond the filtered light,
Ourselves in golden flight,
Our wings afloat a gentle breeze,
Our Spirits freed of binding fear,
Our courage crested
By the will to be.

There is something special now
Among we who gathered there,
That place we found
To reach beyond our former ground,
To leave behind the we we were
Before we gathered there.

It Is Not Love That Ends

It Is Not Love That Ends

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  It is not Love that ends
When togetherness parts,
Nor caring that angers rend,
Nor dying hearts that endings mark.
For the melody we deeply knew
Plays still upon the strings
Of loving hearts.
And when the moments
That memory keeps
Come passing through our thoughts,
We may live again a worldly love,
Though once before
It was found and lost.

My Wish For You

My Wish For You

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May you walk by heavenly streams
And be washed in rainbow mists;
May your heart be filled
With all that wondrous seems;
And may loving's light shine golden beams
Through all the days of your living,
And the sounds of joy
Be the music of your dreams.

What Matters Most

What Matters Most

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I cannot by mind alone
Appraise the great unknown.
Reason crawls astutely
But cannot leap the trails end;
Where mind forsakes the host
Begins what matters most.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

The River In Me

The River In Me

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The river in me
Has not one current--
Eddies and swirls
Distract the deeper flow.
Error'd thoughts
Erode the course,
Silting the shallow shoals.
Fickle beliefs
Deflect and waver,
Jamming the narrow bends.

But there persists
The seaward surge,
The stream of yearnings
Flowing full with loving dreams,
Waters healing the hurts of heart,
Greening the Spirit's eternal place;
Searching to find the me
Who calls for me.

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Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A Gift

A Gift

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Upon the journey'd path of love
We celebrate our heart's dear friends
And comely mates.
To reach our Spirit's shore,
And each the other
A gift of loving give,
Is the joy each moment waits.

The Circle

The Circle

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The circle has no sharpness,
No points on which to snag the heart.
To each place upon its path
It returns by gentle curve
To enfold itself,
A loving whole.
And when we look within
We gaze upon the center,
Where all who enter meet.

A Silent Word

A Silent Word

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I hear a voice
In the sound of Nature,
A silent word
In a silence heard,
The mountain breeze
That does not move the trees,
But is the breath
That Spirit breathes.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013



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Reflections of a promised me
Upon a tranquil sea
Casting back my thoughts to me.
A timid hope I see,
A promised time to be,
A coming
Coming back for me.

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Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Watcher

The Watcher

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The light rises to quell
The dangers of the dark;
The watcher of the wood
Retreats to wait another night,
As primal man emerges
From his shelter
To attend his daily task...
 For the dark will fall again,
And the watcher cometh back.

Saturday, March 2, 2013



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Myth onto myth
Does the mind go 'round,
Searching and searching
For the beginning and the end,
And the meanings in between.
But stardust to stardust
Does the circle go round,
'Till one day again
To a star
Will our dust be bound.

Night Players

Night Players

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These players who nightly
Come upon my stage to play,
Whose ways I know so well,
Though the play be yet to tell.
When the morning curtain falls
I wonder where they go.

Friday, March 1, 2013

There is an Eternity

There Is An Eternity

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I walk mountain trails
And see granite slabs
Smoothed by the movement of glaciers,
Small meadows
That once were shallow lakes,
Ancient Bristlecone Pine
Bent by countless winter gales.
All these things that sign
The passage of Time,
Telling me there is an eternity
That I only touch for a day.

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