Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Imagined Mentor

The Imagined Mentor

                                                                      Click to enlarge

We sailed the same sea...
I am thankful.
I could look across my bow
And see the set of your sail,
The lean of your mast against the clouds.
I could follow,
And in following
I learned to dance upon the wind.
I learned there is no tack
I could not take,
That however strong the gust,
And rough the sea
There is a course of courage and sureness,
A perfect set of sail,
That brings a passage pure and true
However fierce the gale.

Now the horizon is empty,
Your sail is gone.
I must reckon my own course
And sail on alone.
But it's easier now,
For all the times you were there,
It is easier now.

                                                                     Click to enlarge