Wednesday, February 27, 2013



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My words sound of misuse
In the ears of others,
My touchings fail.
I am surrounded by mirrors;
My sendings come back
To flail me.


My dreams slip
Into unfilled memories
Frozen in circles
Of silver'd glass,
Looking at me
Like unloved children.


My mirror'd me,
The watching shadow I see
Waiting to heed.
Who follows who leads?
Do I follow the shadow?
Does it follow me?


Tuesday, February 26, 2013



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My sorrows lay
In the power of allurement
To trick hope upon the heart;
Of imagination to give visions
Of what will never be.



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Distance becomes
Until it forbids
Even another glance.



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I walked by the sea today,
Aloneness as near to me
As the white foam
Washing away the footmarks
Of my last moments passing,
Leaving but an awareness
Of presence
Amid the ancient song
Of the seas endless reach
Upon the eternal sand.

Is this not the woe of life
For all of us?
We are placed alone
In each succeeding moment,
A singular piece of consciousness
Rushing forth our longings
For a oneness so known, yet lost,
That we must reach for it
With each breath of our living.

A Christmas Wish

A Christmas Wish

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While travelling home on Christmas day
I thought to stop along the way,
And stay awhile where poems are made,
My plan to send a wishful cheer
Upon the ending of the year--
A singing merry rhyme
Of brightly glowing lights
And roundly ringing bells
That toll of Christmas time.

But as the verse began to sing
Of heartfelt joys
And first-time toys,
And laugh with happy tears
For life's remember'd years,
A silence fell
Upon the ringing of the bells,
A place unfilled by gifts 'n things
That Christmas always brings.
For what we need of all above
Is that our greatest gift be love.

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Inner Gravities

Inner Gravities

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We must give fluidity
To our lives.
So like quiet water
We flow gently
To our natural course,
Pulled ever down
From the peaks of delusion
By our inner gravities.

The Dreamt Of Place

The Dreamt Of Place 

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To live once more
Those feeling flights on billow'd clouds,
To pass again the windstreams end,
To find the dreamt of place
Where moments passed
Return again.

If I imagine

If I Imagine

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  If I imagine
What is not before my eyes
I place it nonetheless
Upon the throne of existence,
Among those things
That move the mind to ponder,
The heart to yearn,
And Spirit to follow dreams
Into the making of wonders
Before our eyes.



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Yesterday there was something
I should have done,
But I didn't think about it.
Later when I thought about it
I didn't think it was the best time to do it.
Today I didn't think about it again.
There are so many things I don't think about
When I wanted to think about it
That I have decided to stop thinking about it.

For Billy

For Billy

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Death Is Like The Ending Of The Last Summer Day

There is an absence now,
A place unfilled,
A chair on the porch where no one sits.
A loneliness lingers,
Like the quiet that comes
When all the Summer quests have gone ...

Beyond the ancient forest hills
The Summer sun is setting,
The lowered light making shadows fall
Upon the silver lake
Where laughter is remembered still.
And across the growing evening water gloom
I hear the lonely calling of a loon.
The last day of Summer is done...
Tomorrow will be new.

Monday, February 25, 2013



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Only when alone do I hear,
When absence
Is so complete,
There is nothing left
But listening;
To what was here before
And will be after.



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What calling answered
Gives more the light and love
Of goodness,
Or casts further the net of hope
To gather the means of freedom,
And make golden the dreams
Of mind and heart,
Than what teachers do?

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The colored leaves
Of Autumn time,
When briefer days
Like moments fly,
That sooner may
The Winter come,
When all that was gives way
For what is yet to be.

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He Swung Gently

He Swung Gently

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He swung gently in the breeze.
There was no sound 'cept
The creak of the rope around the limb.
A note was pinned to his trouser cuff,
It read simply,
"This man died for stealing a horse."

He was hung high
So the Coyotes wouldn't get him.
Off yonder a devil rose and danced
Circles in the dust,
Unconcerned for the man who died
For the want of a ride.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

A Poem To A Dog Friend

A Poem To A Dog Friend

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(One day a Samoyed met an Australian Shepherd...
and Fritzie was conceived)

Here's to Fritzie,
Alias Frickie,
Or Fric-a-Fratz,
Or sometimes Brat;
A dog dog
Of special soul
With watching eyes
 Who would join in a howl.

Fritz only stayed for awhile...
He made no promises for longer.
He was a wanderer
Who one day wandered too far
To ever come back.

A Desert Run

A Desert Run

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The road opened to a long downhill run
Into a wide sand valley--
The bed of a primal sea.
We were travelers upon the surface
Of a great openness, running free,
Newness loosen'd upon an ancient world.
We were as young and as old
As the hot wind that blew the sun
Through our dreams,
Making magic in the world.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

The Drum Of Spirit

The Drum Of Spirit

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I hear the drum of Spirit,
A sound that rolls among the Summer valley shades
And climbs to echo memories across the mountain slopes.
I hear it low by meadow streams,
Where Teepees huddled near gentle waters.
I hear it racing like laughing dreams
Across the grassy plains where Bison grazed,
Carried on winds
That still across the evening valleys flow.
Oh yes, I hear the drum of Spirit,
Not lessened is the heart it beats.
Still it rolls it's call across the land;
Forever will it's song remain
To sing the memories of a time
When Spirit rode upon a wind.

The Imagined Mentor

The Imagined Mentor

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We sailed the same sea...
I am thankful.
I could look across my bow
And see the set of your sail,
The lean of your mast against the clouds.
I could follow,
And in following
I learned to dance upon the wind.
I learned there is no tack
I could not take,
That however strong the gust,
And rough the sea
There is a course of courage and sureness,
A perfect set of sail,
That brings a passage pure and true
However fierce the gale.

Now the horizon is empty,
Your sail is gone.
I must reckon my own course
And sail on alone.
But it's easier now,
For all the times you were there,
It is easier now.

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Ode To Charmie Bayes

Ode To Charmie Bayes

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While strolling down a walking path
I came upon a grave,
Where lay the silent bones
of youthful Charmie Bayes.
So aged was the place,
So young the heart
That sadness so soonly faced.

The year was thirty five
When poor Charmie softly died;
At twenty years plus two
She left her life to rest,
Her blossom barely bloom'd,
To lie among the ranks of death,
Her sparkle ever gloom'd.

So rest my dearly Charmie Bayes
Upon this hill where now you lay,
And now and then I'll send a loving thought
To touch you in your grave;
A blessing to my dearly Charmie Bayes,
Who rests with endless Summer days
Watching strollers passing by her grave.

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The Arbor

The Arbor

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In the garden
Beyond the Lilac tree,
Where the arbor used to be,
The roses red would climb
And circle 'round
Those boyhood dreams of mine,
That lingered in the rose red light
Beneath the arbor's arching height.
Those joyful times when I was young
My wonder watched the roses reach the sky.

Now's the same as then;
When above the meadow flowers blue
The mountains reach above my dreams
No longer new,
And touch my wonder to the sky...
Like once a rose of red would do.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

A Winter Walk

A Winter Walk


A Winter Walk

It was Springtime I remember
When first our walk began,
A widened forest path
Amid a sea of April green,
Our love a newly blushing bloom,
Our youth so filled with dreams.

So short would be that time
Before the sun-hot days of Summer
Would shimmer the noise-filled air
Along the distant roads we went,
While busy lives hurried our years
From youth to middle-age.

Fall had come with Summer's end,
A sudden chill and longer nights
That turned our leaves of Spring
From their greenest green
To die a death of orange and red
Beneath our slowing steps.

And now a cold and Winter white
Has come to cloak the trees
That once were young and green
That April Spring so long ago;
Our dreams of Spring
But a memory now
That lies beneath December's snow.

And as the Winter white now waits
Our passing to a season not yet here,
Like the music of a poem
A wish still sings 
Among our final dreams...
To see again those leaves of April green;
To find again another Spring.

Photographer Unknown